Future & Environment

About Future & Environment.

Initiatives within this division concentrate on our wellbeing, future, and the environment. Each initiative aspires to address the challenges we face with our health, pollution and happiness. We also look at possible ways to engage with Young adults, shaping a community that is inclusive of all. The following is just a selection of ideas we’re exploring.

NX:GN : Youth Engagement, Southchurch

NX:GN – Youth Engagement Southchurch, initiative will look into ways we can enhance community involvement amongst the younger demographic. The age Group we will be in partnership with, will be from mid-teens to 24 year olds.

The initiative recognises that involvement is two way. The scheme will listen to young people. We will work in partnership with agencies and organisations already working with the young, to create and develop ideas. Those ideas will be discussed in full amongst all as a community together.

We will partner Southend Adult Community College, Southend YMCA, Local schools and the university to develop programmes covering Drama, Music, Art and Technology. Through local clubs, sport associations and Active Southend we will help develop opportunities in sport.

We will work closely with Southend Youth Council and act, where possible, on advice offered from them.

We will create a safe environment, so young adults facing challenges can talk, seek advice and help from agencies in confidence.

Our aim is let them develop within a community, to make it vibrant and relevant for all ages. They are the future, it is important they are part of its building.

Twenty Minute Neighbourhood

At the heart of this programme is a philosophy of live local, shop local. It’s based on a predetermined distance, measured by time, from a central point. Most essential amenities within that radius, work, shopping, education, healthcare, community facilities, recreation and sport, are easily and safely accessible by public transport, cycling or walking. Coverage of the radius, between boundaries, will take no more than 20 minutes.

It creates an area that is beneficial to mental and physical health as well as being a focal point for cleaner air.

It’s an area that promotes community fusion in providing a space, safe to work, learn and live in. A place where people can grow and develop, a unified neighbourhood where social cohesion provides an oasis for the welfare of residents within, that benefits all.

An area that will have controlled car parking, encouraging those who own vehicles to use public transport or walk.

We need to change people’s habits and perceptions in changing the way we live, reducing car dependency and to adjust to a new way of life that this brings.

There are many changes that we all need to commit to as one, residents and local authorities. The increase use in public transport is one, for that to happen we need to provide a reliable and cost effective transport system. It is not an anti-car programme, but reductions in unnecessary travel will improve the quality of air and our mental wellbeing.

We must design a modern - fit for purpose - infrastructure, for those whose use of motor vehicles are important and necessary for their work.


StreetScape is all about enriching the public space by mixing Street architecture and our GrowUp scheme. Creating a street design making businesses and visitors more engaged and relaxed in their surroundings.

Studies provide unquestionable proof of the profound benefit, this style of environment, has to our general health and mental wellbeing.

A good design greatly helps business. The creation of a secure and relaxed environment improves the quality of the public realm space. This provides a condition where visitors are inclined to spend more time in a location, a new street community.

An improved zone raises business consciousness of their appearance, which in turn improves their own street appeal. This will increase footfall to the area leading to an obvious greater financial outlook for traders.

The combination of these effects create an increased level of interest from businesses to trade within the area. This will lead to a more diverse retail experience for residents and visitors. It will promote Southchurch Retail as an area of attraction, with its own unique character.

There are many forms of development for this StreetScape initiative. The preferred is create Southchurch Road, between Christchurch Road & Hamstel Road, as a shared space - similar to the seafront. Shared space allows the street design to be more modern and experimental, it allows the ‘green’ development to be more ambitious. It allows us space to develop our character, our street appeal.

To envisage this, you must not look at Southchurch Road as you see it now, but with a more modern and diverse retail and social feel.

You must look at the zone as a place where both necessity and indulged retail outlets are comfortable neighbours. You must view it as a new street community designed to be functional, relaxing and secure.

We firmly believe that a greener Southchurch Retail and the inclusion of street furniture is beneficial to the area. Tomorrows High Streets are changing, we want to be at the forefront. It’s achievable through the acceptance of change and adoption of vision. Our aim is to attract independent traders and new original venues, to embrace the diversity that creates an areas character.

We want a vibrant and interesting retail zone, an area that has social and emotional benefits – a high street ready for the future.

Grow Up, Southchurch

Grow Up Southchurch is a fusion of civic gardening & urban agriculture within the public realm in the middle of town.

We will look into the possibility of working in partnership with Southend Borough Council and Royal Horticultural Society to identify a location, within Bournes Green Park, for a sensory garden. There are undisputed reports on the benefit of this type of space, not only for mental wellbeing of people, but also to health in general.

RHS are also committed to improving the wellbeing of communities through offering advice and guidance for installation and management of sensory and other type of garden, to improve the general streetscape of an area.

We will also work with our friends at UpStart Farmers and GrowUp Urban Farms, in consultation to investigate the possibility of Grow Up Boxes and identify locations best to install.

GrowUp is an urban farming business dedicated to demonstrating a sustainable, commercial model for urban agriculture through vertical growing and aquaponics. We could place the Boxes within schools, parks in corners of allotments. We will work in partnership with Southend Borough Council and local education outlets. The scheme will be focused around community-building and education.

Urban gardens are incredible assets to communities. They provide resourceful green spaces to grow sustainable food, build community cohesion, make new friends, connect with the earth, and much more

Recently, community gardens have resurged as a grassroots movement that contributes food security, mental respite, and educational and cultural growth opportunities to cities and towns.

Project Southchurch

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